Harvest 2021, let's go !



The harvest began on Thursday September 16 with the Pinot Gris. It is then the turn of Chardonnay and Muscadet.

Despite the damage caused by the frost last April, we have beautiful, ripe grapes which presage very aromatic wines.

This year, the weather is nice, what luck for our team of harvesters!

We are already looking forward to introducing you to this future vintage.

Les Frères Couillaud
La Grande Ragotière
44330 La Regrippière - France
Tél : +332 40 33 60 56
Fax : +332 40 33 61 89


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Opening time

Monday to Friday
from 09:00 am to noon and from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Saturday from 10am to 1pm
Closed on Saturday afternoon and Sunday

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