A gold medal for the Chardonnay Domaine la Morinière 2020 !




Our Chardonnay Domaine La Morinière 2020 was awarded a beautiful Gold Medal at the Chardonnay du Monde, an International Competition.

This competition compares Chardonnay from all origins and all appellations. The jury is exclusively made up of professionals. This year there were 604 samples representing 36 countries and only 51 gold medals were awarded!

Les Frères Couillaud
La Grande Ragotière
44330 La Regrippière - France
Tél : +332 40 33 60 56
Fax : +332 40 33 61 89


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Monday to Friday
from 09:00 am to noon and from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Saturday from 10am to 1pm
Closed on Saturday afternoon and Sunday

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